Small progress should make you happy!

Small progress should make you happy!

Small progress may be frustrating, but small progress is better than no progress, moving backwards, or having setbacks.  While you may wish to see more progress in terms of weight loss, muscle tone and definition, or in your energy level, remember that progress takes time, especially when it comes to changing your habits and body.  It is safest to see slow, steady results that are consistent and maintained over time.

Changing your habits and making changes to your body through exercise and nutrition can take time (and should take time).  Quick weight loss and sudden food changes such as eliminating caffeine, sugar, or carbohydrates may not only be dangerous, but also may present side effects including mood changes, increased anxiety and stress levels, or even could be harmful if you have rapid weight loss in a short period of time.

It is important to be happy with small milestones as those add up and help you achieve your overarching fitness and nutrition goals.  So as you workout and make fitness and nutrition goals (see Fitness and nutrition goals to the rescue!) remember that your small progress should be motivation to keep you going and further your desire to see your end result.  My boyfriend likes to sign up for 5ks as a goal to work toward for himself and is now signed up for a half marathon in October.  It is a great goal and is something that he can slowly train for.  He signed up for the half marathon in April to give himself plenty of time to train and work up to the 13.1 miles he will be running.  Setting large goals for yourself that are 3-6 months or more out is great because it allows you to slowly make progress over time.  For example, my boyfriend can set a goal of running 3.5 miles for 3-4 weeks (he can already do that because that’s about the distance of 5ks) followed by increasing his distance to half of the marathon of about 6.5 miles and do that for about 2-3 weeks and then do three fourths of the race by increasing to about 9.75 miles for 2-3 weeks and then do the full 13.1 miles for at least one week.  This is just an example, so do what you feel the most comfortable with and works best for you based on your fitness level and experience.

Just remember that building yourself up by slowly making progress over time is much healthier than pushing yourself too hard in a short period, losing weight rapidly, or cutting out food or food groups too quickly.  Small progress is not only great progress, but will make life less stressful over time and is proven to make it easier to maintain and sustain.


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