Tag: motivation

Music, rhythm, and workout inspiration!

Music, rhythm, and workout inspiration!

There are a few things about music that I absolutely LOVE:  1) It makes my workout go faster.  1, 2, 3 and you’re done in a flash!  2) It provides a great beat to ensure I keep up with my workout pace. 3) It helps me accomplish my goals through motivation.  These are 3 things that will help you throughout your workout.  Think of it as you + the music vs. your workout! 😉

Think of the world without music.  Now, think of your workout without music.  That would be something that is hard to consider for many of us because we use music to push us through our workout.  The music almost becomes one with us because we want something to focus on besides our actual workout.  Something that helps us become distracted and makes the workout go faster.

Another great thing about music is the beat it provides.  I love this because it helps me stay on pace and go faster even when I am getting tired.  It pushes me and challenges me so that I get through my entire workout and for that reason alone I think music is a perfect combination for working out.  I have noticed that I try to stay with the beat of the music during my workout.  Not that I actually “dance” throughout my interval training workout, but that I rhythmically do the exercises, staying in tune with the music.  It helps me keep pace, stay focused, and makes my workout more fun!  This is what makes music inspiration because it motivates and engages me during my workouts.

Music is a great way to make you happy, change your mood, and can help you accomplish your goals during your workout.  With music, you can train your mind and body to move with the rhythm of the music, making your workout more challenging and fun!  Further, music is a great way to help you accomplish your goals.  Remember that it is important to be happy with whatever you accomplish because that along with music will help you to keep pushing forward!  Music often makes you train harder so that you can pass your fitness and wellness goals.

If music isn’t your thing, try reading a book where you read 10 pages then run for 5 minutes, or some variation that works for you.  The same can work for those who watch tv while they workout. You can run during commercials and walk during the program.  Both options provide great interval training and that’s something that is great for your body.  Interval training has actually been shown to be more beneficial than strictly running or walking.

So, next time you head to the gym, go outside for a run, or start your workout, you may just want to throw your earphones in as well!  Happy skipping, moving, and working out to the music! 🙂


Make cold weather your motivation!

Make cold weather your motivation!

So, all I hear right now are complaints and negativity about the cold weather, snow, winter and yada yada yada.  Personally, I LOVE snow and I LOVE cold weather.  I actually can’t emphasize that enough and mostly because I love sweaters and boots and turtlenecks and scarves.  It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside! 🙂

But for all those cold weather haters and grumpy “grinches” out there, here’s something for you to think about!  Cold weather has actually been proven in several studies to be better for you!  For one, people tend to move faster and walk more briskly when it is cold out, increasing their heart rate more quickly than they would in warm or hot temperatures.  During the summer, people tend to walk more leisurely and therefore not as many calories are burned and your heart rate doesn’t speed up as quickly.  In other words, all those exercises such as walking, running, hiking, etc that you do (outside) after your Christmas feast or before the drinks and appetizers begin on NYE will be most beneficial in the cold, winter temperatures! 😉

Second, studies have shown that people burn more calories during the cold, winter months when the body must use more energy in order to maintain a warm, steady body temperature.  So, next time you consider complaining about the cold, winter months, maybe you should be thanking Mother Nature for the gift she is giving you! 😉  Two great exercise benefits: 1) you walk faster to keep your body heat up to get to your destination and 2) you burn more calories because your body is working equally as hard to help you maintain a balanced body temperature.  Sounds like a win win to me…so get out there and get to moving.  Play in the snow with your kids, take a hike to see the scenery, walk your dog to get fresh air, or even take treats to neighbors and friends by foot to get into the real holiday spirit of giving!

Let me remind everyone that each person’s body is different so what works for me, may not work for you.  Cold weather is something I love and enjoy, but it may not be something that fits you or your workout!  Further, where I see success, you may not see as much success because of the activity and level of intensity within the workout.  Don’t let that discourage you, but rather let those stumbling blocks be the force and motivation that keep you going.

So, grab some gloves, a hat, and cold weather gear, throw on a pullover or winter running clothing and get to exercising.  After all, there are plenty of fun outside activities to do, so don’t let the cold weather stop you from getting your 30 minutes a day!  Happy Winter!


Small progress should make you happy!

Small progress should make you happy!

Small progress may be frustrating, but small progress is better than no progress, moving backwards, or having setbacks.  While you may wish to see more progress in terms of weight loss, muscle tone and definition, or in your energy level, remember that progress takes time, especially when it comes to changing your habits and body.  It is safest to see slow, steady results that are consistent and maintained over time.

Changing your habits and making changes to your body through exercise and nutrition can take time (and should take time).  Quick weight loss and sudden food changes such as eliminating caffeine, sugar, or carbohydrates may not only be dangerous, but also may present side effects including mood changes, increased anxiety and stress levels, or even could be harmful if you have rapid weight loss in a short period of time.

It is important to be happy with small milestones as those add up and help you achieve your overarching fitness and nutrition goals.  So as you workout and make fitness and nutrition goals (see Fitness and nutrition goals to the rescue!) remember that your small progress should be motivation to keep you going and further your desire to see your end result.  My boyfriend likes to sign up for 5ks as a goal to work toward for himself and is now signed up for a half marathon in October.  It is a great goal and is something that he can slowly train for.  He signed up for the half marathon in April to give himself plenty of time to train and work up to the 13.1 miles he will be running.  Setting large goals for yourself that are 3-6 months or more out is great because it allows you to slowly make progress over time.  For example, my boyfriend can set a goal of running 3.5 miles for 3-4 weeks (he can already do that because that’s about the distance of 5ks) followed by increasing his distance to half of the marathon of about 6.5 miles and do that for about 2-3 weeks and then do three fourths of the race by increasing to about 9.75 miles for 2-3 weeks and then do the full 13.1 miles for at least one week.  This is just an example, so do what you feel the most comfortable with and works best for you based on your fitness level and experience.

Just remember that building yourself up by slowly making progress over time is much healthier than pushing yourself too hard in a short period, losing weight rapidly, or cutting out food or food groups too quickly.  Small progress is not only great progress, but will make life less stressful over time and is proven to make it easier to maintain and sustain.


Superhero in action…busy building muscle!

Superhero in action…busy building muscle!

Last week my boyfriend unintentionally came in to see me while I was working out.  He didn’t realize I wasn’t done working out yet, but it did throw off my rhythm for the last 15 minutes (cool down portion) of my workout.   It is important to realize that working out each day is a chance to take a break from your normal activities.  It gives your mind and body a break from the routine of life while giving you fresh energy.

I workout almost everyday and mostly so my mind and body has its own time away from everything and everyone.  Therefore, when I workout, everything and everyone waits.  I put music on and get into a different mode.  I do not stop for Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media.  Instead I avoid it because how can you really be working out and clearing your mind if you are on social media?!  I literally take a break from everything…tv, internet, social media, technology, socialization, etc.  Whatever might be on social media, any posts you are tagged in, or texts you are sent can wait.  They will still be there when you are done.  Unless there is a medical or family emergency that cannot wait, I suggest you consider doing the same thing.  Give your mind and body a break…from everything!  You will be happy once you start doing your workouts without interruptions and in peace so that you can actually wind down, refresh, and have time to yourself.  After all, your workout may be the only time all day that you ever get to yourself.  Take advantage of it!

Realize there is reason behind not allowing interruptions or pausing during workouts.  Once you are in your workout, you get into a rhythm and pace that keeps you going and motivates you not to stop.  Being interrupted can throw off your rhythm and your workout, making parts of your workout stressful or chaotic if you lose your motivation and pace.  My tip to you is to make it a habit to not stop in the middle of workouts!

Aren’t convinced that interruptions, distractions, etc are a problem when working out?  You should think again and that’s because you will get better results and see results more quickly if you maintain a steady pace while keeping the correct form.  In other words, try to maintain pace without stopping for interruptions or distractions such as children, pets, etc so that you can consistently keep your heart rate up.  And on a side note, how do you think athletes keep in shape?!  Through heavy discipline and training without and yes, I repeat, without interruptions or distractions!  They train and continue to train each day with a strict and steady regimen that keeps them on track to improve their mind and body.

As for the superhero reference in the title (in case you are wondering), it refers to the Under Armour dri-fit workout shirts I wear when I workout…I have a Batgirl, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman one!  So each time I set out on my workout, I envision myself as a girl on a mission.  A mission to conquer my workout as Batgirl, Supergirl, or Wonder Woman!  It’s more fun this way and it’s healthy for us all to have a little bit of kid in us at heart! 😉


Conquer the first 5 minutes of your workout!

Conquer the first 5 minutes of your workout!

Sometimes starting your workout is the hardest part of your actual workout.  You may be tired from work or overwhelmed by all the things on your “to do” list.  There are three small tips/tricks that I use each day that might help you conquer starting your workout and make you feel better: 1) Eat an energy snack no more than two hours before your workout.  2) Look at working out as a challenge each day that you will accomplish. 3) Warm up – conquer your first 5 minutes to find your rhythm and get your heart rate up.

I find that eating an energy snack one to two hours before my workout is a great way to fuel my workout and give me that extra dose of energy that I need to make my workout more enjoyable, push me to my limit, and make it less exhausting.  Eating my energy snack two hours prior to my workout works best for me, but I suggest you find a time that works best for you based on your schedule, routine, and body.  My pre-workout snack might be carrots and cucumbers, almonds, craisins, apple slices, rice cake snacks, or an almond/dark chocolate chip/craisin trail mix.

I am a disciplined and dedicated person once I set my mind to something so I love to look at my workout as a new challenge for me to accomplish each day.  Looking at your workout as a new challenge is a great way to get your mind in the game and change your mindset from “I don’t want to do this” to “I can and I will do this”, which is a great attitude to take with you to the gym each day!   This attitude will help motivate and inspire you to put forth the effort necessary to meet your challenges and overcome obstacles while you workout.

It’s all about warming up and getting the first 5 minutes under your belt!  Conquering the first 5 minutes of your workout, getting started, and allowing your body to get warmed up will give you the energy and motivation to keep going without giving up!  It allows your body to get in the mode of working out, which in turn allows your mind to adjust to the needed increase in energy to fuel the workout.  Once that occurs, you get into the rhythm of your workout, maximizing your success! 🙂

I know taking the plunge to start your run, jump in for your swim, or beginning your cardio or strength training workout can be difficult, but I promise that finding small tricks to help you ease in and make the start less overwhelming or dreadful will provide a small sense of relief!  So, get to finding ways that will help YOU start your workout…use my tips, find alternative tips/tricks, and more than anything get off the couch and start your workout! 😉


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