Project Kindness

Project Kindness

Jenna Ranee Parbati Jamieson takes you on a personal journey as she provides lessons that will help you succeed as you make your way through life.  The lessons will be useful tools that you can stick in your pocket and use as you face obstacles.  They will give you new perspective while offering solutions to some of life’s biggest trials and tribulations.

She uses her delightful personality and youthfulness to transcend her readers into her world where they will relate to the heart wrenching frustrations she has encountered.  Her own experiences provide real-life examples that will connect with a variety of readers and ages.  High school and college graduates will enjoy having stories to relate to and adults and employees will be hooked to the management stories she shares. Use the lessons to translate into your own life’s challenges and understand that you are not alone.  After all, life is actually more like climbing a mountain, but the solutions and advice that are shared will change how you think about others and the world around you.

-207 pages, quick & easy to read, softback

-Click images above to enlarge.


Kindness is important.  It spreads joy, hope, and love to those around us.  Kindness keeps the world going.  It constantly reminds me of the love for one another and humanity.  It is the core of human existence and it is what makes me want to wake up each day.  To be able to give back to others, motivate others, inspire others, mentor others, and make others smile.

I challenged myself on my 28th birthday to do twenty eight random acts of kindness.  That’s how old I turned.  I will continue to fulfill this goal each year.  I wanted to do something new and different.  Something that wasn’t about me.  Something that shared with those around me.  It was about giving back and personal growth.  I wanted to pursue something bigger than myself on my birthday.  Something that reminded me that I live in a country with so many opportunities.  Endless opportunities to spread kindness.  I focused on random acts of kindness not to my friends or family – but kindness that I spread out into the world.  It may be to the random waitress that serves me lunch, the man standing on the street corner, the teacher that needs extra support, the little girl that needs gloves, or the veterans returning from war.  Some of my random acts of kindness range from simple to complex and small to large.  A simple thank you card or a donation to a family in need.  Kindness in ways where I don’t get something in return.  After all, I didn’t want it to be about me.  I wanted it to be about the receiver – making them smile.  Something to make them feel warm and fuzzy inside.  These random acts of kindness could be to firefighters, police officers, nurses, teachers, the homeless person sitting on the curb, the person in front of you in the Starbucks line, the couple eating dinner at a local restaurant, or anyone you want to make smile.  Because when you do the right thing good stuff has a way of happening.

I challenge you to join me on my Project Kindness journey by pledging to make your birthday about spreading kindness!  Use #ProjectKindnessBook to join the conversation with me on social media!  Together, we can make a difference in the lives of others! #BeKind #GiveBack #HelpOthers

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