Tag: well-being

Ditch your soda…here’s why!

Ditch your soda…here’s why!

You may (and should) know by now that soda isn’t exactly the best drink choice!  Or maybe you don’t, so let me be the first to inform you that you might want to reconsider next time you open a soda.  If you haven’t given up soda yet, here’s just a few reasons why you should: soda actually has lots of unnecessary calories, many sodas are loaded with sugar and aspartame, and they actually dehydrate you rather than quench your thirst.

This past week when I took a recertification class for First Aid & CPR, we began a discussion on soda.  One of the obvious concerns with soda is the high sugar content that it has.  Even many juices and sports drinks (i.e. Gatorade, Powerade, Vitamin Water, etc) are high in sugar which is why it is best to stick with water.  While I know some will say they can’t stand the bland taste of water and yada, yada, yada.  If that truly is the case, I strongly suggest you buy flavor packets that you can add to water rather than turning to soda and other sugary drinks.

This may be a short entry, but it is an important one!  For all of you who wish to lose weight and increase energy one of the easiest and BEST ways to do that is to give up soda.  Soda alone will help you drop weight quickly (especially if you are a heavy soda drinker)!  So, my advice is to get off the soda bandwagon and join the water bandwagon instead.  You may hate it at first, but you will thank yourself and me later when you realize how much better you feel.


Workout lifestyle…when & where should you workout?

Workout lifestyle…when & where should you workout?

I have to say most days I look very forward to my workout.  It’s the “me” time of the day when I can de-stress and be away from everyone and everything (computers, technology, phone, etc).  Anything that is bothering me such as studying all night, an argument, or even just daily stress can simply be moved aside for the moment so that I can get a good sweat!  One thing that’s important about exercising is to recognize that when and where you exercise can make a big difference in your energy level, mood, results, and how enjoyable your workout will be.

First, when should you exercise?  In order to maximize your results, you should consider when the best time is for you to exercise based on your schedule, energy level, and personal characteristics.  For example, if you are not a morning person and you work at 8am, consider an evening workout rather than a 6am workout.  If you are a morning person and work at 8am, consider the 6am workout as a possible option.  On the other hand, if working out helps you wake up because you are not a morning person consider an exercise routine that will help with that balance such as yoga.   It is important to remember that it takes energy to get through a workout so try to find a time when you have a high energy level and are not tired or lethargic.  It will be different for everyone so determine when you can maximize your workout results based on your schedule and lifestyle.  For me, I workout best in the evening.  I feel energetic, look forward to clearing my mind, and my body feels ready to workout.  Remember sleep is vital to having energy so make sure you are getting enough sleep consistently each night.  A night with little sleep, followed by a full night’s rest, followed by another night with not much sleep throws off your body and is a sure way to not only dread your workout, but also make it hard to do.

Second, where should you exercise?  This is an interesting and very subjective question because it really depends on a person’s personal fitness goals and schedule.  Possibilities might include at home, at a gym, or outside.  Personally, I like to workout at home because I can alter the environment to fit me.  For example, I utilize the pictures of my family and friends on the wall to influence me and encourage me to get through my workout.  I also like having quotes and inspirational sayings on the wall that I connect with.  If you’re at the gym and don’t have the luxury of choosing what is on the walls, bring a picture of your favorite celebrity crush or in my case I would probably bring Andy Murray because of his killer work ethic as a tennis player or Jennifer Garner because of her portrayal of badass spy Sydney Bristow! 😉  It could also be quotes/sayings or something inspirational.  There are no requirements on what you can use, but make sure it is something that you connect with and helps push you through your workout.

Third, how do these impact your overall workout?   Easy answers to this one!  Happiness, efficiency, and results!  Once you can find a rhythm that works for you, it makes working out easier and less thought has to be put into it.

So, get your workout on in your garage, in your room, in the gym, or outside and do it in the morning, in the afternoon, or in the evening, but just remember to be sure to DO IT!  It’s all subjective, so find what works for you and don’t give up!  We all have good days and bad days, but if you can find a schedule and rhythm that works, then you will be more likely to follow through and more likely to enjoy it!


To workout or not? …WORKOUT!

To workout or not? …WORKOUT!

Do you ever have one of those days where you aren’t sure whether you want to workout or not?  Of course you do, because we all do at one point or another.  The point when you say to yourself, do I really want to workout today or should I take the night off.  It’s one of life’s burning questions!  Well, maybe not exactly one of life’s burning questions for all of us, but you know what I mean! 🙂  You get off work at 4:30, the kids have soccer practice at 6:30, and you aren’t sure whether you have time to fit in a workout, shower, and get the kids fed before practice.  Trust me, time management will allow you to do it and you will thank yourself later!  Skipping workouts is one of the worst things you can do for yourself because it takes you out of your routine.  Even if you can’t do your regular 30-45 minutes of cardio, strength training, or yoga, go ahead and fit in a small workout whether it be a walk or 30 minutes of stretching and at home exercises (i.e. jumping jacks, lunges, squats, push-ups, etc).  Maintaining a routine will help encourage you to stay on track, reach your fitness goals, and make you feel healthier and happier (aka less stress)!

The question at hand: Should you workout today?  Answer: See the infographic to the left!  There aren’t too many reasons that will get you out of the workout, so if you are looking for an excuse you will need to look elsewhere!  There are too many benefits of working out!  If you are considering skipping a workout this infographic will reaffirm to you why you SHOULD get up off your butt and go workout!

It’s March, which means it is time for 5k runs, outside workouts, yard work, walking on trails, swimming, etc so no excuses!  Go WORKOUT!  Why? Because you will thank me later (and yourself too)!  Plus, your physical and mental health will be happier as well!


Find your “happy workout” :)

Find your “happy workout” :)

What is a “happy workout”?  A “happy workout” is finding a routine or exercise that you are tremendously passionate about and love so that you can enjoy your workout and what it has to offer you!  One important thing to remember about being consistent with your workouts is making sure you have a workout routine or exercise that you look forward to rather than dread.  The key to being consistent is trying different workout routines and exercises and finding one you feel comfortable with, works the part of the body you want to improve, and makes you look forward to working out.  For example, you might consider zumba classes, cross training classes, walking, running, swimming, yoga, etc.  Once you find an exercise or routine that you enjoy, stick with it.  Don’t feel like you need to change it, especially if you are considering changing to a routine or exercise you don’t like to do.  You are far more likely to give up or not follow through if you don’t like your workout, leaving you frustrated and stressed.

If you become bored with your workout and no longer look forward to it, you know it is time to change it and find something new to keep you going.  You don’t have to keep the same workout every day or every week, but I do suggest that you find a workout routine or exercise that makes you look forward to it.  This will encourage you to workout each day and increase your chances of seeing success.  It may be a workout routine that lasts 2 years or it may be a workout routine that lasts 2 months, but either way it is to your advantage to not only find something you love, but something you love with a passion.  It can be something as simple as jumping rope, a routine you do with an app on your smartphone, a YouTube video, or a routine of pictures you found online.  No matter what it is, if you enjoy it and find it to be something that helps you relieve stress and break a sweat, then you have found “your” workout.  A workout that you have a passion for and look forward to doing sometime during your day.

So, get EXERCISING, have fun, and make sure you LOVE it!  If you don’t love it, then ditch it and find something new (such as some of the options above)!


Go meatless (sometimes)…and love it!

Go meatless (sometimes)…and love it!

As I was working out tonight I was thinking about the blog and what might be a good entry this week.  I recently started eating more meatless meals, not to lose weight, not because I think it is healthier, but because sometimes I just don’t crave meat or the thought of meat kind of grosses me out (at times) when I go to fix dinner.  No, I am not a vegetarian and while I know that some people would say it is better for you, I truly believe in “everything in moderation.”  I do what I feel is right for MY body and I suggest you do what you feel is right for yours, too!  In all of my posts, I want to continually emphasize that you should always do what YOU think is best for you and take my advice or leave it, use some of it, and realize that I do not have the answers to each individual’s unique lifestyle and routine.

Since I have been going meatless more frequently than I usually do, I decided I actually kind of enjoy my meatless meals, maybe some more than the ones where I do eat meat.  I typically enjoy “Meatless Mondays” each week, but I have now taken it even farther and decided to also eat at least one meatless meal per day.  So, whether you already occasionally eat meatless or whether you never eat meatless I challenge you to “Meatless Mondays.”  This is a great way to start and ease into what meatless meals can offer!  I promise meatless meals can be just as delicious, fun to cook, and can make your creative juices flow! 🙂   This means you will eliminate meat on Mondays, so no meat at breakfast, lunch, or dinner!  No cheating either!  Sounds challenging maybe, but it really isn’t.  Consider peanut butter toast and sliced apples for breakfast, grilled cheese and veggie soup for lunch, and pizza or pasta minus any meat for dinner.

Once you have “Meatless Mondays” down I encourage you to take it one step farther as I have by eating one meatless meal per day.  That should not be hard and should be a routine that you already have in place.  One meatless meal per day is actually very healthy as the consumption of meat at every meal is not necessary (or healthy)!  It does not have to be the same meal each day.  It can be breakfast one day, then dinner the next, followed by breakfast again, and then lunch the following day.  For example, you might have a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit for breakfast, a spinach and feta quesadilla for lunch, and then chicken parmesan with broccoli for dinner.  You went meatless at lunch so you met your goal for one meatless meal that day.

You say that you can’t get full on meatless meals?  I DON’T buy it!  That’s crazy!  Eat more veggies, which are one of the best things you can fill your body with!  Consider some of the following if you don’t believe me: 1) veggie stir fry with brown rice 2) pasta with a meatless marinara sauce and garlic bread 3) sliced potatoes layered with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, and ranch dressing (potato nachos) 4) breakfast foods including eggs, hashbrowns, waffles, pancakes, french toast, biscuits 5) veggie pizza.  You can’t tell me that none of these foods speak to you because it includes nearly every food group (and all are meatless)!

So, next time you sit down for a meal think MEATLESS!  I know I do and my body still loves me and I feel great!


Snacking can be an enemy…choose snacks wisely!

Snacking can be an enemy…choose snacks wisely!

Snacking is something that I have never really understood because I am not a big snacker.  I don’t love chips or candy bars or have cravings that I feel like I need to fill, but I do know that a lot of people do have snack urges and feel the need to satisfy their snack tooth with something.  Snacking, as long as controlled, can be a great way to provide energy to your mind and body.  It may be just what you need to give your mind and body a mid-morning or mid-afternoon boost, so do what works best for you based on your lifestyle.  While I don’t encourage myself to snack because I feel that snacking is often carried on throughout the day or ends up adding up to an additional meal, I do have a few pointers that I utilize in my daily meal preparations that can also be used when preparing and eating snacks.

The best way to include snacks in your day, and I cannot stress the following enough: measure them out AND place the measured amount in baggies or containers so you will NOT be able to continue snacking until you decide to stop.  It is best to give yourself a specific amount of food, which is why measuring out portions is important.  So rather than taking a bag of chips to work to snack on throughout the day (or all week), measure out single serve portions so you don’t overeat and add additional unnecessary calories throughout the course of your day.

Another quick tip is if you know you are going to be out during a meal such as running errands around lunch or dinner time and may find that you want to grab a bite to eat by going through a drive-thru window, take some veggies or a snack that will hold you over until you get home to fix your lunch or dinner.  Not only does this save you money, it saves you calories, and can help you from feeling starving by the time you eat next!

Here are a few options for snacks that I often eat with my wrap or sandwich at lunch:

-hummus with veggies

-trail mix of craisins, dark chocolate chips, and almonds

-popcorn single serve bags

-swiss cheese and whole grain crackers

-apple slices and peanut butter

Try to keep snacks to 100-125 calories so you aren’t consuming the amount of calories in a meal as a snack.  While I won’t say happy snacking because I am not going to encourage it, I will say happy healthy eating and making choices that will allow you to feel more energized!


Tis the season to help others, donate, & give!

Tis the season to help others, donate, & give!

Since it’s the holiday season, I deemed it appropriate to throw in an entry that is very, very, very (shall I say VERY again to emphasize my passion) dear to my heart.  While the holiday season is a great time of year, it can quickly become a very self-indulgent, over the top, season that is filled with buying the next best phone, computer, or tablet, more toys for children that have an overflowing toy box and toy room, and presents for friends that have everything they could possibly want and more.  We want to buy the perfect presents for our moms and dads, brothers and sisters, cousins and children.  I was as equally guilty of this at earlier times in my life, but I have come to realize that I would rather reach out to those that are less fortunate than me.  The holiday season is the perfect time to reach beyond yourself and your family to touch the lives and hearts of others.  This may sound silly and may not seem like a fitness tip, but when you help others it gives you that “feel good” feeling deep down that is great for your mind and body.  So, while helping others, donating, and giving to those who are less fortunate may not be physical fitness and exercise, it is a wellness tip that will do a lot for your mind, heart, and emotional well-being.

The holiday season is a time of celebration and joyous occasions for most people, but there are also lots of people in the world that are less fortunate or need help.  As a young adult, it is very, very, very (and yes, I shall say VERY) hard for me to watch people give thanks and appreciate their blessings on Thanksgiving Day only to become greedy, materialistic, and crabby human beings on Black Friday.  I am headed into working my 4th Black Friday in retail so I do have the experience to say this!  While I am not judging those around me, I am rather hoping to encourage and light a spark in others to reach out and help those around them.

I wish for others to reach within their heart and think about the kids that will wake up with no presents under the Christmas tree, cancer patients that are dying and suffering during the holidays, and soldiers, airport employees, and first responders (police officers, firefighters, hospital personnel) who are working so that everyone else can have a joyful holiday season.  This seems to quickly and easily be taken for granted by everyone, including myself at times.  My pledge, wish, and challenge to you is to send a care package or box to solders in need, visit http://www.anysoldier.com, which is a reliable website to send care packages to soldiers who are serving overseas.  Find an Angel tree and fill shoe boxes for children who otherwise will have no Christmas presents under the tree this holiday season or take freshly baked cookies, pies, and other treats to your local first responders to show them how much you appreciate their hard work during a season that is filled with chaos and stress for them.  Or even consider donating your hair if you don’t have the money to spend toward children and soldiers.  You can visit http://www.facebook.com/Beautifullengths8 for more information.

So, when you leave your house today, remember that one small thing to help others may actually be something that helps you as well!  Cheers to donating, giving, helping, and changing the lives of others.  And from me to you, I hope you and your family have a wonderful and safe holiday season!


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