Tag: mind

You’ll only regret the workouts you don’t do!

You’ll only regret the workouts you don’t do!

We all have days when we feel unmotivated, don’t want to workout, feel lazy, want to take a nap, or just want to do other things, but on those days it is important to still do some type of workout, whether it be a short one or long one, cardio or yoga, or a quick run.  Sometimes thinking about my favorite person who inspires me such as an athlete is enough to motivate me!  If you are having one of those days, think twice before you skip your workout and remember all the positives of a great workout, including the reasons below!

     100 Reasons to Exercise Now (Courtesy of Pinterest)

  1. Because it makes you feel confident
  2. Because it helps you get stronger
  3. Because exercise helps combat depression
  4. Because you’ll feel proud of yourself
  5. Because you have goals you want to reach
  6. Because you’ll feel bad if you don’t
  7. Because you want to move forward, not backward
  8. Because it burns more calories than not working out
  9. Because it improves your heart health
  10. Because you want a great butt
  11. Because it prevents diabetes
  12. Because you want to be a good example to your kids
  13. Because you want to feel good in your clothes
  14. Because it reduces your risk of cancer
  15. Because your body was made to move
  16. Because you want to be an athlete
  17. Because you want to look better
  18. Because it lifts your mood
  19. Because you want to stand taller
  20. Because it reduces back pain
  21. Because it feels good
  22. Because it makes you feel accomplished
  23. Because you spend most of your day on your butt
  24. Because swimsuit season is always coming
  25. Because strong is the new skinny
  26. Because dieting only works so much
  27. Because it strengthens your bones, too
  28. Because it helps you lose weight
  29. Because it allows you to eat more food
  30. Because it’s the best way to spend “me” time
  31. Because it helps you de-stress
  32. Because it’s cheaper than therapy
  33. Because you want a strong core
  34. Because you want to take care for yourself
  35. Because you take pride in your body
  36. Because it strengthens your legs
  37. Because it helps your clothes fit better
  38. Because you want to push yourself
  39. Because you are capable of more than you ever imagined
  40. Because moving your body feels good
  41. Because it keeps your mind sharp
  42. Because it helps you beat belly bloat
  43. Because it helps you sleep better at night
  44. Because it gives you energy
  45. Because you want to stay healthy as you age
  46. Because you want to look younger
  47. Because you want toned arms
  48. Because it improves your balance
  49. Because it burns off last night’s dessert
  50. Because it boosts your immune system
  51. Because sweat is sexy
  52. Because you want to live longer
  53. Because you want to get better at your game
  54. Because you want to catch someone’s eye
  55. Because exercisers earn more money
  56. Because you’re more likely to eat better when you exercise
  57. Because you want to shave time off your running pace
  58. Because you want to breathe easier
  59. Because you want to see the scale drop
  60. Because exercise improves your sex life
  61. Because you are worth it
  62. Because being fit makes everything in life better
  63. Because you promised yourself that you would
  64. Because you deserve a better life
  65. Because it’ll help you drink more water
  66. Because you want to do real push-ups
  67. Because it reduces your health care costs
  68. Because you’ll miss fewer days of work
  69. Because you want to create a new future for yourself
  70. Because it’ll help you like what you see in the mirror
  71. Because it makes clothing shopping more fun
  72. Because you want to look and feel incredible
  73. Because exercising can be fun
  74. Because it’ll give your skin a glow
  75. Because it’s a good way to spend time with your friends
  76. Because it’ll help you prevent the middle-age spread
  77. Because it reduces your blood pressure
  78. Because you don’t want to let yourself go
  79. Because you don’t want to squeeze into an airplane or rollercoaster seat
  80. Because it strengthens your spirit
  81. Because it’s a cheap way to entertain yourself
  82. Because you’ll be able to reward yourself
  83. Because you need a reason to wear those new workout clothes
  84. Because you’re tired of being tired
  85. Because not working out is not going to get you very far
  86. Because it’s a great way to spend time outside
  87. Because you made a commitment to yourself
  88. Because you’re tired of starting over
  89. Because there will always be another wedding, vacation or reunion
  90. Because you’re not a quitter
  91. Because it improves your cholesterol
  92. Because it boosts your metabolism
  93. Because it prevents age-related muscle loss
  94. Because if you can do this, you can do anything
  95. Because a fit body is a healthy body
  96. Because it beats sitting on the couch
  97. Because  everyone has at least 10 minutes to spare
  98. Because you want to be stronger than your excuses
  99. Because not working out isn’t working out for you
  100. Because the only workout you ever regret is the one you skip

Now, GO WORKOUT!  You will feel much better once you do!


Superhero in action…busy building muscle!

Superhero in action…busy building muscle!

Last week my boyfriend unintentionally came in to see me while I was working out.  He didn’t realize I wasn’t done working out yet, but it did throw off my rhythm for the last 15 minutes (cool down portion) of my workout.   It is important to realize that working out each day is a chance to take a break from your normal activities.  It gives your mind and body a break from the routine of life while giving you fresh energy.

I workout almost everyday and mostly so my mind and body has its own time away from everything and everyone.  Therefore, when I workout, everything and everyone waits.  I put music on and get into a different mode.  I do not stop for Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media.  Instead I avoid it because how can you really be working out and clearing your mind if you are on social media?!  I literally take a break from everything…tv, internet, social media, technology, socialization, etc.  Whatever might be on social media, any posts you are tagged in, or texts you are sent can wait.  They will still be there when you are done.  Unless there is a medical or family emergency that cannot wait, I suggest you consider doing the same thing.  Give your mind and body a break…from everything!  You will be happy once you start doing your workouts without interruptions and in peace so that you can actually wind down, refresh, and have time to yourself.  After all, your workout may be the only time all day that you ever get to yourself.  Take advantage of it!

Realize there is reason behind not allowing interruptions or pausing during workouts.  Once you are in your workout, you get into a rhythm and pace that keeps you going and motivates you not to stop.  Being interrupted can throw off your rhythm and your workout, making parts of your workout stressful or chaotic if you lose your motivation and pace.  My tip to you is to make it a habit to not stop in the middle of workouts!

Aren’t convinced that interruptions, distractions, etc are a problem when working out?  You should think again and that’s because you will get better results and see results more quickly if you maintain a steady pace while keeping the correct form.  In other words, try to maintain pace without stopping for interruptions or distractions such as children, pets, etc so that you can consistently keep your heart rate up.  And on a side note, how do you think athletes keep in shape?!  Through heavy discipline and training without and yes, I repeat, without interruptions or distractions!  They train and continue to train each day with a strict and steady regimen that keeps them on track to improve their mind and body.

As for the superhero reference in the title (in case you are wondering), it refers to the Under Armour dri-fit workout shirts I wear when I workout…I have a Batgirl, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman one!  So each time I set out on my workout, I envision myself as a girl on a mission.  A mission to conquer my workout as Batgirl, Supergirl, or Wonder Woman!  It’s more fun this way and it’s healthy for us all to have a little bit of kid in us at heart! 😉


Workout lifestyle…when & where should you workout?

Workout lifestyle…when & where should you workout?

I have to say most days I look very forward to my workout.  It’s the “me” time of the day when I can de-stress and be away from everyone and everything (computers, technology, phone, etc).  Anything that is bothering me such as studying all night, an argument, or even just daily stress can simply be moved aside for the moment so that I can get a good sweat!  One thing that’s important about exercising is to recognize that when and where you exercise can make a big difference in your energy level, mood, results, and how enjoyable your workout will be.

First, when should you exercise?  In order to maximize your results, you should consider when the best time is for you to exercise based on your schedule, energy level, and personal characteristics.  For example, if you are not a morning person and you work at 8am, consider an evening workout rather than a 6am workout.  If you are a morning person and work at 8am, consider the 6am workout as a possible option.  On the other hand, if working out helps you wake up because you are not a morning person consider an exercise routine that will help with that balance such as yoga.   It is important to remember that it takes energy to get through a workout so try to find a time when you have a high energy level and are not tired or lethargic.  It will be different for everyone so determine when you can maximize your workout results based on your schedule and lifestyle.  For me, I workout best in the evening.  I feel energetic, look forward to clearing my mind, and my body feels ready to workout.  Remember sleep is vital to having energy so make sure you are getting enough sleep consistently each night.  A night with little sleep, followed by a full night’s rest, followed by another night with not much sleep throws off your body and is a sure way to not only dread your workout, but also make it hard to do.

Second, where should you exercise?  This is an interesting and very subjective question because it really depends on a person’s personal fitness goals and schedule.  Possibilities might include at home, at a gym, or outside.  Personally, I like to workout at home because I can alter the environment to fit me.  For example, I utilize the pictures of my family and friends on the wall to influence me and encourage me to get through my workout.  I also like having quotes and inspirational sayings on the wall that I connect with.  If you’re at the gym and don’t have the luxury of choosing what is on the walls, bring a picture of your favorite celebrity crush or in my case I would probably bring Andy Murray because of his killer work ethic as a tennis player or Jennifer Garner because of her portrayal of badass spy Sydney Bristow! 😉  It could also be quotes/sayings or something inspirational.  There are no requirements on what you can use, but make sure it is something that you connect with and helps push you through your workout.

Third, how do these impact your overall workout?   Easy answers to this one!  Happiness, efficiency, and results!  Once you can find a rhythm that works for you, it makes working out easier and less thought has to be put into it.

So, get your workout on in your garage, in your room, in the gym, or outside and do it in the morning, in the afternoon, or in the evening, but just remember to be sure to DO IT!  It’s all subjective, so find what works for you and don’t give up!  We all have good days and bad days, but if you can find a schedule and rhythm that works, then you will be more likely to follow through and more likely to enjoy it!


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