Are you hungry or are you bored?

Are you hungry or are you bored?

Ever find yourself munching and snacking most of the day?  Often times your mind gravitates toward eating and snacking when you are bored or exhausted.  I know this is all too familiar to many people.  Many complain of increased eating habits when emotional, exhausted, or bored.  To help counteract this habit, try to stay busy throughout the day by having a schedule, organizing your plans, and not allowing yourself to sit for long periods of time without having something to do such as paperwork, reading, organizing, etc.

Stay busy during the day and in between meals with chores, errands, work, etc.  This keeps you from feeling bored which often leads to unnecessary eating and added calories.  If you can’t seem to find ways to combat your boredom consider some of the options in the picture above!

Of course, my best suggestion and solution if you are bored, is to VOLUNTEER and EXERCISE, which presents endless options!  Volunteer at your local school or hospital, visit a nursing home, get involved with groups and organizations, etc. AND consider exercises such as hiking, walking, basketball, tennis, soccer, running, swimming, playing outside with kids, nephews/nieces, etc.


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