Tag: Strength training

Relax, Rest, & Recover!

Relax, Rest, & Recover!

We all like our recovery and rest days, right?!  After all, recovery days are good for you, just like everything is (or can be) as long as it’s in moderation!  It gives us a chance to rest our muscles and rejuvenate our bodies, but resting doesn’t mean or give you a pass to sit around and eat junk food! While it is great to have rest and recover days, it is also important to note that it is not an excuse to cram in the junk food and veg on the couch all day.  It means that you might take a break from your cardio workouts, strength training routines, and heavy exercise regimes.  On my rest days, I might enjoy a leisurely walk or do some extra stretching to help loosen up my body during my off days. You might consider a light yoga class to stretch out or a game in the park with your kids.

Each week, you should have at least 1 day to recover, but no more than 3 total days of recovery during the 7 day week.  After all, you don’t want to be working out less than the days you are recovering/taking off.  You should, and I do emphasize should, be making yourself workout at least more than half of the 7 day week, so workout at least 4 days or more if you can!  On the flipside of that, please do remember that one full recovery day allows your body to rest and recover so that you are able to put forth your full potential, push yourself forward, and challenge yourself while still having enough energy to do so.  If you are too sore or too tired from your previous workout days, you won’t be able to have a successful and challenging workout.

Just keep in the back of your mind that you should be working out more than half of the week so don’t take more than 3 days off during a single week period!  Happy exercising with a day of rest or two to relax, rest, and recover!  Just don’t take advantage of those days off by taking too many! 😉


Drinking game?…How about a workout game instead?!

Drinking game?…How about a workout game instead?!

How about working out alongside your favorite show by playing an exercise game?  Would Olivia Pope or the deep story line of the show help motivate you to exercise?

I was watching GMA not long ago and one of the journalists said, “When Olivia on Scandal mentions the President of the United States it means 5 squats and 5 lunges” or consider the series Chuck and do an exercise when Chuck gets out of the car (after being told by Sarah and John Casey to stay in the car).  I think this is a great idea because you can stay focused on the story line of the show while still getting in a workout.  I have encouraged exercising during commercials in a previous post to prevent people from sitting for long periods of time without moving so this is just another exercise option!  (See Exercise during commercials.)

Working out sometimes seems like the most exhausting thing in the world, especially some days when you have little to no energy.  My suggestion is still to do some type of workout because a workout will help fuel you to stay up and get things done.  Exercise will help push you through the rest of the evening so rather than grabbing a snack or picking up takeout and then sitting on the couch for several hours watching tv, find a way to do some type of workout in the comfort of your home.  An at home workout option also helps encourage you to workout no matter what day of the week it is and prevents you from skipping a workout or making an excuse not to go to the gym!  It doesn’t have to be long, it doesn’t have to involve intense cardio exercises, but it does have to get your heart rate up, get your body moving, and help loosen up your muscles from the stress of the day, giving you a new sense of rejuvenation and relaxation before hitting your bed.  If you let yourself come home and veg on the couch or take a nap, you most likely will have trouble going to sleep, staying asleep, or getting a good night’s rest.  Hence, do some yoga poses (download a yoga app, hit up YouTube, or like me, find a picture that demonstrates 10-15 poses) and do those throughout the tv show you want to watch.  If yoga isn’t your thing, do as I suggested above and do lunges, jumping jacks, squats, low plank, high plank, sit-ups, crunches, etc. during the show when “specific” yet frequent occurrences/scenes take place.

If you don’t like the ideas above or you can’t even force yourself to do those types of exercises, consider a fitness ball ($15 or less) and do exercises on it.  There are simple exercises you can do on a fitness ball, one being sitting on it to practice your balance.  Further, you can do leg lifts, you can lift one leg for balance or lift both and hold your core to work your abs, you can also do push-ups with your legs balanced on the ball, etc.  In other words, you can vary the level and variety of exercises based on your fitness goals all while watching your favorite tv show!

So, next time you think about skipping your workout for the day, think about what you can do in the comfort of your own living room while watching your favorite show.  You will be glad you do something, even if it a light workout.  A light workout is better than no workout, which is why some days a workout at home may be just the thing to do!


Superhero in action…busy building muscle!

Superhero in action…busy building muscle!

Last week my boyfriend unintentionally came in to see me while I was working out.  He didn’t realize I wasn’t done working out yet, but it did throw off my rhythm for the last 15 minutes (cool down portion) of my workout.   It is important to realize that working out each day is a chance to take a break from your normal activities.  It gives your mind and body a break from the routine of life while giving you fresh energy.

I workout almost everyday and mostly so my mind and body has its own time away from everything and everyone.  Therefore, when I workout, everything and everyone waits.  I put music on and get into a different mode.  I do not stop for Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media.  Instead I avoid it because how can you really be working out and clearing your mind if you are on social media?!  I literally take a break from everything…tv, internet, social media, technology, socialization, etc.  Whatever might be on social media, any posts you are tagged in, or texts you are sent can wait.  They will still be there when you are done.  Unless there is a medical or family emergency that cannot wait, I suggest you consider doing the same thing.  Give your mind and body a break…from everything!  You will be happy once you start doing your workouts without interruptions and in peace so that you can actually wind down, refresh, and have time to yourself.  After all, your workout may be the only time all day that you ever get to yourself.  Take advantage of it!

Realize there is reason behind not allowing interruptions or pausing during workouts.  Once you are in your workout, you get into a rhythm and pace that keeps you going and motivates you not to stop.  Being interrupted can throw off your rhythm and your workout, making parts of your workout stressful or chaotic if you lose your motivation and pace.  My tip to you is to make it a habit to not stop in the middle of workouts!

Aren’t convinced that interruptions, distractions, etc are a problem when working out?  You should think again and that’s because you will get better results and see results more quickly if you maintain a steady pace while keeping the correct form.  In other words, try to maintain pace without stopping for interruptions or distractions such as children, pets, etc so that you can consistently keep your heart rate up.  And on a side note, how do you think athletes keep in shape?!  Through heavy discipline and training without and yes, I repeat, without interruptions or distractions!  They train and continue to train each day with a strict and steady regimen that keeps them on track to improve their mind and body.

As for the superhero reference in the title (in case you are wondering), it refers to the Under Armour dri-fit workout shirts I wear when I workout…I have a Batgirl, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman one!  So each time I set out on my workout, I envision myself as a girl on a mission.  A mission to conquer my workout as Batgirl, Supergirl, or Wonder Woman!  It’s more fun this way and it’s healthy for us all to have a little bit of kid in us at heart! 😉


Conquer the first 5 minutes of your workout!

Conquer the first 5 minutes of your workout!

Sometimes starting your workout is the hardest part of your actual workout.  You may be tired from work or overwhelmed by all the things on your “to do” list.  There are three small tips/tricks that I use each day that might help you conquer starting your workout and make you feel better: 1) Eat an energy snack no more than two hours before your workout.  2) Look at working out as a challenge each day that you will accomplish. 3) Warm up – conquer your first 5 minutes to find your rhythm and get your heart rate up.

I find that eating an energy snack one to two hours before my workout is a great way to fuel my workout and give me that extra dose of energy that I need to make my workout more enjoyable, push me to my limit, and make it less exhausting.  Eating my energy snack two hours prior to my workout works best for me, but I suggest you find a time that works best for you based on your schedule, routine, and body.  My pre-workout snack might be carrots and cucumbers, almonds, craisins, apple slices, rice cake snacks, or an almond/dark chocolate chip/craisin trail mix.

I am a disciplined and dedicated person once I set my mind to something so I love to look at my workout as a new challenge for me to accomplish each day.  Looking at your workout as a new challenge is a great way to get your mind in the game and change your mindset from “I don’t want to do this” to “I can and I will do this”, which is a great attitude to take with you to the gym each day!   This attitude will help motivate and inspire you to put forth the effort necessary to meet your challenges and overcome obstacles while you workout.

It’s all about warming up and getting the first 5 minutes under your belt!  Conquering the first 5 minutes of your workout, getting started, and allowing your body to get warmed up will give you the energy and motivation to keep going without giving up!  It allows your body to get in the mode of working out, which in turn allows your mind to adjust to the needed increase in energy to fuel the workout.  Once that occurs, you get into the rhythm of your workout, maximizing your success! 🙂

I know taking the plunge to start your run, jump in for your swim, or beginning your cardio or strength training workout can be difficult, but I promise that finding small tricks to help you ease in and make the start less overwhelming or dreadful will provide a small sense of relief!  So, get to finding ways that will help YOU start your workout…use my tips, find alternative tips/tricks, and more than anything get off the couch and start your workout! 😉


A healthy {March Madness} competition with yourself!

A healthy {March Madness} competition with yourself!

I was thinking about the blog and March Madness (well, mostly March Madness) because I love sports.  Tennis, basketball, football, soccer, baseball (in person), if it’s on, then I want my television on, but sitting and watching television for hours (let’s face it, sports games aren’t always short…at least 2 hours or more) is not exactly healthy.  Several weeks ago I was working out and thinking how much I enjoy a little competition with myself.  I am not a huge competitor against others (I don’t like comparing myself to others) when it comes to exercising, so running against others or entering events that are timed races are not my cup of tea.  However, I DO love a great competition against myself.  What exactly does this mean?  I love improving the amount of reps I do when I exercise.  For example, if I do 3 sets of 50 crunches, then next time I want to do 3 sets of 60 crunches.  I like the extra push and how I feel once I have surpassed my previous amount of reps.

So, now you might be thinking how does March Madness and having a healthy competition with yourself fit together?  One involves a lot of sitting and the other involves health and competition.  As an avid sports freak and exercise lover, I thought it might be fun to put them together and have a little game against yourself during March Madness.  Why?  Because it’s a great opportunity to combine March Madness and health without allowing yourself to sit for hours at a time!

My challenge to you is to make an exercise bracket when you make your March Madness bracket.  For example, lunges versus squats, see which one you can do more of in a 1 minute interval.  Consider push-ups versus crunches, burpees versus jumping jacks and so on.  Fill out an entire bracket with exercises competing against each other.  I suggest placing the exercises you choose on an actual bracket and have your March Madness basketball bracket with it because here’s how it will work:  You will do each exercise that you have corresponding to the game on your basketball bracket.  For example, if Oklahoma State and Gonzaga are playing, you would have two exercises written next to them.  Lets use squats and lunges for this game.  At some point during the first half you will do squats for 1 minute and write down how many you achieved and once the second half begins, you will do lunges for 1 minute and write down how many you were able to do.  Like with the basketball games, whichever exercise got the most reps during the 1 minute wins and moves on to the next round! 😉  Keep doing this until you have a winning exercise. Get creative, there are lots of exercises you can use, you might consider one yoga pose versus another.  Remember, it’s all in good fun AND it is all to get our butts up off the couch as we sit and watch the upsets and unpredictable outcomes of March Madness unfold!

Here’s an example of an exercise bracket if you are having a hard time coming up with exercises or can’t quite picture it.  Remember you will do the corresponding exercises with the corresponding game that’s on your March Madness basketball bracket (one first half and one second half).  You can either do each exercise for a one minute interval and count the reps for each or choose a goal and see which one meets or comes closest to the goal.  Have fun with this and realize it’s to keep you from sitting the entire time during March Madness!

EAST (yoga): high plank hold v. low plank hold, cobra v. downward dog, spinal balance right v. spinal balance left, tree pose right v. tree pose left, triangle pose left v. triangle pose right, warrior pose left v. warrior pose right, bird of paradise left v. bird of paradise right, staff pose v. mountain pose

WEST (strength training): pushups v. squats, bicep curls right v. bicep curls left, tricep curls right v. tricep curls left, lunges v. wall sit, bicycle crunches v. floor crunches, side pushups right v. side pushups left, right leg balance v. left leg balance, shoulder raise left v. shoulder raise right

MIDWEST (cardio): high knees v. butt kicks, jumping jacks v. burpees, mountain climbers v. russian twists, pogo right leg v. pogo left leg, squat jumps v. plank walks, side2side squat heel touch v. side2side ski jumps, scissor runs v. standing leg kicks, one arm push up left v. one arm push up right

SOUTH (misc): jump rope v. hula hoop, arm circles front v. arm circles back, standing calf raise left v. standing calf raise right, chair left lift right v. chair leg lift left, left arm punches v. right arm punches, wall pushups v. marching in place, right leg lift and hold v. left leg lift and hold, right leg kick v. left leg kick

Hope this provides some March Madness inspiration!  Happy bracketising!  Enjoy your exercise bracket and your basketball bracket.  Hope your basketball bracket is doing better than mine! 😉


To workout or not? …WORKOUT!

To workout or not? …WORKOUT!

Do you ever have one of those days where you aren’t sure whether you want to workout or not?  Of course you do, because we all do at one point or another.  The point when you say to yourself, do I really want to workout today or should I take the night off.  It’s one of life’s burning questions!  Well, maybe not exactly one of life’s burning questions for all of us, but you know what I mean! 🙂  You get off work at 4:30, the kids have soccer practice at 6:30, and you aren’t sure whether you have time to fit in a workout, shower, and get the kids fed before practice.  Trust me, time management will allow you to do it and you will thank yourself later!  Skipping workouts is one of the worst things you can do for yourself because it takes you out of your routine.  Even if you can’t do your regular 30-45 minutes of cardio, strength training, or yoga, go ahead and fit in a small workout whether it be a walk or 30 minutes of stretching and at home exercises (i.e. jumping jacks, lunges, squats, push-ups, etc).  Maintaining a routine will help encourage you to stay on track, reach your fitness goals, and make you feel healthier and happier (aka less stress)!

The question at hand: Should you workout today?  Answer: See the infographic to the left!  There aren’t too many reasons that will get you out of the workout, so if you are looking for an excuse you will need to look elsewhere!  There are too many benefits of working out!  If you are considering skipping a workout this infographic will reaffirm to you why you SHOULD get up off your butt and go workout!

It’s March, which means it is time for 5k runs, outside workouts, yard work, walking on trails, swimming, etc so no excuses!  Go WORKOUT!  Why? Because you will thank me later (and yourself too)!  Plus, your physical and mental health will be happier as well!


Use your surroundings & body weight!

Use your surroundings & body weight!

Don’t have extra time to hit the gym today?  Don’t have time in general to ever be at a gym?  Can’t afford a gym membership?  Use your surroundings to your advantage and remember that exercising doesn’t have to mean paying for a gym membership!  Have stairs at work or at home?  Use them!  Go up and down the stairs during breaks, to and from meetings, and over your lunch break to get some exercise!  Go for a walk or jog outside after work or even during your lunch break!  Can’t afford weights?  Use canned goods or other food products to lift!  Are you sick of using the treadmill and other exercise machines?  Remember that there are a variety of “self-sufficient” exercises that can be done in the comfort of your own home, using your own body weight, and don’t cost a dime!  Jumping jacks, push-ups, crunches, squats, lunges, mountain climbers to name a few!

Using your surroundings is an efficient way to fit in some exercise during your day.  I find that doing these “self-sufficient” exercises (jumping jacks, push-ups, crunches, squats, lunges, mountain climbers, etc) are great because I use my own body weight and natural surroundings.  For me,”self-sufficient” exercises are the best workout because of the variety and flexibility that they provide.  I can do a different variety of exercises each day without getting bored, can do them inside or outside, at home or away from home, and the workout can be long or short.  It is a very convenient exercise routine because I can workout anywhere easily without an excuse.  Further, I have found that using my own body weight is easy, fun, and has proven to be better because machines were hard on my joints.  Hence, next time you think you don’t have the time or money for a workout, try using your own body weight and surroundings to get ahead!


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