Tag: social media

Make the days count!

Make the days count!

Summer is here and I want to make sure I get lots done rather than lounging too much.  I started yesterday by making my “Summer To Do List” to keep myself accountable.  I want to be sure I have some volunteering in my schedule as well as get some overdue projects completed!

I also don’t want to let myself sit in front of a screen for an extended period of time without moving, whether it be a tv screen or a computer screen.  I have noticed that many parents have made plans to keep their children from having too much screen time this summer.  Remember it is equally as important to follow the same rules, don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk as well.  Make sure you get up and move periodically – if you are watching your favorite show, game, or movie get up and move rather than sitting for two or three hours.  Your body and brain needs the stimulation and movement.  Plus, by making the days count that means you are also adding some fitness into your day! It makes you feel less stressed, less grouchy, and more energetic to get through the day.  So keep a list or schedule that utilizes your time wisely so you aren’t spending too much time on social media, sitting around the house, or not getting your goals accomplished.  If you aren’t sure what to omit from your schedule consider scanning newsfeeds less than the typical five, ten, fifteen, or more times a day.

Consider getting involved in your community, volunteer at some local events, and show your family the importance of giving back to others.  If you love fitness, find a Relay for Life, American Heart Association, or other charity walk or run to participate in.  If you love cooking, consider cooking or baking treats for your local police station.  There are endless options and your kids can even help or tag along so they see the value in appreciating others.

Whatever you do, make sure you make your summer days count and work for you!  If you do, you will feel much better at the end of each day.  So, if you are like me, start that “Summer To Do List” so you can make each day count.




Giving is good for your health!

Giving is good for your health!

Emotional and mental health are important.  Very important.  Sometimes these two components of health take the back burner to social and physical health.  We might focus on our social media relationships, comments, and statuses.  Stuff that in the scheme of things won’t matter when we look back on life.  I am even guilty of this sometimes.

I actually have someone in my family that struggles with finding a balance between her emotional and mental health versus her social and physical health.  She struggles with finding happiness, being self-confident on the inside, and feeling a sense of contentment.  She chooses to focus on her social and physical health as a way of combating the struggles she faces with her emotional and mental health.  She walks daily and puts effort into how she presents herself to others, but in reality it doesn’t fix how she feels about herself.  She is missing a sense of self-purpose in life.  She struggles with identifying meaning by the roles in which she chooses to play in society.

Giving may not seem like it has to do with emotional or mental health.  It may seem like a big stretch, but it actually isn’t a stretch at all.  Giving provides purpose to a person’s life.  It gives meaning.  It is a reminder to be appreciative for what we have.  It feels good to give to others.  It gives you that warm and happy feeling on the inside knowing you contributed to a good cause, helped someone that is struggling, baked cookies for your local police department, or helped a stranger on your way to work.   The feeling you have from doing those things contributes to your emotional and mental health.

You do not need tons of money to give.  Giving can come from the heart.  It can be coloring a picture for someone, writing a “Thank You” card, volunteering with a local organization, helping someone into their car, or a multitude of other ways to be kind and give back.  I work at an elementary school where I am given pictures and coloring pages almost every single day.  While students love to give me pictures and have a huge smile as they hand me their masterpiece I feel equally as blessed.  It warms my heart that they want to give me pictures that they work so hard on.  It is a reciprocation of mental and emotional health.  It makes them feel good and me as well.

In a world full of consumerism and materialism, I challenge you to remember to give (year round)!  Just because the holidays have passed and it is a new year doesn’t mean all your time has to focus on New Years weight loss resolutions or bikini bodies for spring break.  It is still important to smile at strangers, say hi to people you pass in the hallway, or compliment someone.  I challenge you to increase your purpose and role in the world.  I challenge you to remember what giving will do for your emotional and mental health.

I hope this blog, as short as it is, captures how much giving can do for you and the world.




Penciling in your workout!

Penciling in your workout!

I thought it would be appropriate to talk about the trials and tribulations, chaos and exhaustion that life often throws at people since fall semester often means going back to school, preparing lunches again for kids, and after school sports and activities.  Further, people have surgery that you need to help take care of, you start a family, and you have unexpected work obligations and travel.  While all these tend to throw a curve ball, it doesn’t give you the excuse to skip your workout.  Working out helps reduce stress and relieve the tension that gets built up from the day.  When life gets busy, change your workout or rotate the days you do certain workouts so that a recovery workout might fall on a busier day, but still allows you to workout in some capacity.  Many, if not all of us, hold very busy lives and feel as though we never have enough time in the day, let alone time to set aside for exercising.  That’s everyone, right?!   We may not all have children, aging parents, a house to take care of, pets to walk, etc, but we do all have obligations and priorities to balance.

While you may not have a half hour, an hour, or even an hour and a half to dedicate to exercising or personal wellness each day, you do have small increments of time that can be used to exercise.  For example, you may have a 15 minute break at work where you can take a walk, do some jumping jacks and push-ups, go up and down the stairs, or sit at your desk and do leg lifts and weights (keep a set in the office to make it easy on yourself).  Two 15 minute breaks will allow you to get at least 30 minutes of exercise in each day.  Don’t get any breaks at work or it isn’t something that is consistent?  Stop spending so much time on Facebook, Twitter, Pineterst, and other social media websites every single day, every single hour.  I hear people say all the time, “I am so busy I barely have time to keep up with my house, my friends and family, my pets, and still sit down and relax.”  This is a huge pet peeve when most people spend hours on Facebook ad social media or watching television.  If you have time to look at random Facebook statuses all day, then believe me, I promise you have time to set aside 30 minutes to take care of your mind and body.  And guess what?  All those Facebook statuses, Twitter feed updates, and Pinterest projects will still be waiting for you when you are done!  Remember your health is more important than sitting for 3 or more hours on social media sites, so rather than skip a workout, delay it if you need to!

With unexpected work obligations and travel, consider a workout that can be done using only your body and can be done almost anywhere with a small amount of space such as in a hotel room.  For example, crunches, push-ups, jumping jacks, and other 20-30 minute workouts can be done doing repetitive sets of exercises that only require using your own body weight!  These exercises are not only convenient, but also tend to be less intrusive on your joints than machines.  For me, using my body weight versus using machines is the best change I have made in my life to improve my workouts and make me feel so much better!  I try to remind everyone, we are all different, so what works for me may not work for you, but I do hope my tips and tricks may provide guidance and encouragement!

Your workout should fit your schedule and lifestyle because this is what helps you stay on track, prevents you from skipping workouts, and from giving up.  If that means yoga and a walk at 6:30am so that you can get your workout done before work then you should do that.  A workout could be two 15 minute breaks during the day or over your lunch, a group fitness class or club that meets 3 times a week, it could be working out with your kids during the day, taking your baby and a jogging stroller to your gym and running on the track, yard work, doing exercises every time you get up to make copies at work, etc.  Your workout can fit into any small windows of time that you have rather than feeling like you need to have a block of time set aside.  If you “pencil in your workout” at the beginning of each day, it has been shown that you are more likely to exercise and meet your fitness goals.


Superhero in action…busy building muscle!

Superhero in action…busy building muscle!

Last week my boyfriend unintentionally came in to see me while I was working out.  He didn’t realize I wasn’t done working out yet, but it did throw off my rhythm for the last 15 minutes (cool down portion) of my workout.   It is important to realize that working out each day is a chance to take a break from your normal activities.  It gives your mind and body a break from the routine of life while giving you fresh energy.

I workout almost everyday and mostly so my mind and body has its own time away from everything and everyone.  Therefore, when I workout, everything and everyone waits.  I put music on and get into a different mode.  I do not stop for Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media.  Instead I avoid it because how can you really be working out and clearing your mind if you are on social media?!  I literally take a break from everything…tv, internet, social media, technology, socialization, etc.  Whatever might be on social media, any posts you are tagged in, or texts you are sent can wait.  They will still be there when you are done.  Unless there is a medical or family emergency that cannot wait, I suggest you consider doing the same thing.  Give your mind and body a break…from everything!  You will be happy once you start doing your workouts without interruptions and in peace so that you can actually wind down, refresh, and have time to yourself.  After all, your workout may be the only time all day that you ever get to yourself.  Take advantage of it!

Realize there is reason behind not allowing interruptions or pausing during workouts.  Once you are in your workout, you get into a rhythm and pace that keeps you going and motivates you not to stop.  Being interrupted can throw off your rhythm and your workout, making parts of your workout stressful or chaotic if you lose your motivation and pace.  My tip to you is to make it a habit to not stop in the middle of workouts!

Aren’t convinced that interruptions, distractions, etc are a problem when working out?  You should think again and that’s because you will get better results and see results more quickly if you maintain a steady pace while keeping the correct form.  In other words, try to maintain pace without stopping for interruptions or distractions such as children, pets, etc so that you can consistently keep your heart rate up.  And on a side note, how do you think athletes keep in shape?!  Through heavy discipline and training without and yes, I repeat, without interruptions or distractions!  They train and continue to train each day with a strict and steady regimen that keeps them on track to improve their mind and body.

As for the superhero reference in the title (in case you are wondering), it refers to the Under Armour dri-fit workout shirts I wear when I workout…I have a Batgirl, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman one!  So each time I set out on my workout, I envision myself as a girl on a mission.  A mission to conquer my workout as Batgirl, Supergirl, or Wonder Woman!  It’s more fun this way and it’s healthy for us all to have a little bit of kid in us at heart! 😉


Welcome & Thanks for visiting!

Welcome & Thanks for visiting!


Thanks for visiting my blog and website!  On my blog, you will find many of my fitness, nutrition, and wellness tips.  These tips are based on my own personal fitness, nutrition, and wellness experiences and goals.  I hope my advice and tips provide motivation and energy to help you move forward with your own fitness, nutrition, and wellness goals!  Please feel free to leave comments, questions, or any suggestions you might have.  Also, please note that these are the views of me and only me.  I am not a doctor so do what you feel most comfortable with based on your own views and lifestyle.  Further, I am not affiliated with the brands, shows, people, or products that may be discussed on my website.  Therefore these are my own individual views.

I am an avid fitness, nutrition, and wellness advocate, workout and exercise enthusiast, and love taking care of my mind and body.  Additionally, I believe in helping one another, spreading kindness, and learning from each chapter in life.  As you go through my site, you will find that there is advice on life, quotes to motivate you, and stories to inspire you to give back to the wonderful world we live in.   I hope you take the advice, quotes, and stories to help further your own journey and purpose in life.

Be sure to visit often for my blog updates and share with family and friends, on websites and social media.  Please be kind and link back to me using the share button that’s at the bottom of each post and on my social media sites!

Thanks for visiting!  Enjoy!


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