Tag: smile

What is SUCCESS?

What is SUCCESS?

I had to laugh at myself when I typed success because I started teaching in the middle of the year (January) so I shuffled to get my classroom, lessons, and several activities ready over the two week Christmas break.  It was a lot of work to clean out someone’s classroom (who had left a lot behind) and find a way to decorate and organize it so I was ready to teach.  I wanted it to be a very inviting and comfortable atmosphere for my students.  As I completed my bulletin board one evening over break, I got the entire thing laminated, cut out, and put up when I realized I had forgotten a ‘c’ in success.  I couldn’t believe my eyes.  I was overwhelmed with annoyance at how I had misspelled ‘success’ after being in a hurry.

Fast forward a few months and I was talking to my husband who had the question, “What is success?” asked during an interview.  I thought about it for a few moments before saying, “Making other people see the value of making the world a kinder and happier place for all.”  A bit vague, yes, and probably not what most think of when they define success, but it could mean volunteering during the busy times before schools and universities begin or giving directions and a friendly smile to someone new on campus or at school.  After all, there are a lot of new people in unfamiliar places that may need help, have questions, ask you for directions, and feel nervous and stressed about the new chapter they are beginning.

With the beginning of many new chapters for those around us, it is a great thing to consider success in this way of light.  We have lots of first-time college students, middle school/junior high students headed to high schools, young children starting school, and lots of people who are embarking on new adventures and journeys whether it be new jobs, traveling to new places, or struggling with a new diagnosis or unforeseen challenge (for some of us, it may be the unknown of a little thing called the Solar Eclipse 😉 ).  If when we see new faces at school, at work, in passing, or in our community, people took the opportunity to be welcoming and helpful it would help my ‘definition of success’ expand as more people would be helping each other.  Give directions to a stranger, smile and say hi to put a person at ease, provide exceptional service, let someone know you are happy to help if they need it, etc.  This time of year is often very stressful for many of us and we can become extremely focused on our own hectic and chaotic schedules that we may forget to help those around us.  I challenge you to help others this month as they embark on new adventures (and new challenges) so that together we create a kinder and happier world for all.




How my students changed my life!

How my students changed my life!

I remember how frustrated, angry, and even depressed I felt about my lack of success with finding a job in my field.  It was consuming my life as well as how I felt about my life.  At times, I even let it impact my mood and happiness.  After spending six years in college, I felt like finding a job would come more naturally since I was applying for hundreds and hundreds of jobs everywhere–literally all around the world.

I knew I had to do something.  I was getting stressed and unsettled from my continuous and never-ending job search.  One day, I came across a position at a school as a Playground Supervisor.  It didn’t fit my education or work background (at all), but I thought it would at least be a start.  Nothing else seemed to be working and while it wasn’t the job I dreamed of or even thought I wanted, it did seem like something I could adapt to.  It would give me a somewhat routine schedule and get my foot into a new arena.  I would have a new challenge to chase (whether good or bad)!

I got the job as the Playground Supervisor which allowed me to be entertained by second and third graders for a few hours a day.  I knew I wanted more hours, but tying shoes, listening to stories, and getting countless hugs changed me.  I kind of liked this whole “being in a school” thing even if it was chaotic.  Plus, it was a start in the right direction.  Maybe it would lead to a new opportunity.

Eventually I was able to become full-time at the school as a Reading Aide.  While it didn’t compensate me based on my educational level (since I don’t have an elementary teaching degree), I grew to like it (for the most part).  As the full-time Reading Aide, I got to cherish many moments with students that often have very unstable home environments.

These students have changed my life.  It might sound crazy to most, but they have changed my life in such a wonderful way. They bring a smile to my face every single day at school.  I recently was out eating lunch and I hurried inside to get in line.  All of a sudden I felt someone grab around my waist.  It was a young boy who had weaved his way through a line of customers to be sure that he came to say, “Hi, Miss. Jamieson” and to give me a hug because nothing makes a young third grader more excited than to be able to see and talk to someone from their school outside of the normal school environment.

I also have a student that I know has faced a lot in his life so far and he is only eight years old.  I developed a great rapport with this student and he began to always want to talk to me at recess.  He told me about his life and I listened, always without judgment, but rather I felt sadness in my heart.  He is now in third grade and he still likes to talk to me and work with me one on one.  For some reason, he has found comfort in working with me at school.  The other day I saw him and I said, “Good Morning, XXXXX.”  His schedule and my schedule changed at school so I don’t work with him as much as I did last year, but I said, “I miss working with you this year, XXXXX.”  He smiled and said, “I miss working with you, too, Miss. Jamieson.  They just had to go and change my schedule to where I don’t get to be in your group this year.”

Their stories inspire me to help them learn and to be a listening ear when they need one.  While I often have no idea about the things they are facing at home, I want them to always know that I care.  After all, I have come to love the kids.  These stories and countless others are the reasons why my students have changed my life. They have added to it in so many amazing ways and for that I am grateful.  I don’t know how long this “working at a school” journey will last, but I know at the moment it feels like just the right place to be.




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