Tag: size

Workout shoes matter…a lot!

Workout shoes matter…a lot!

My boyfriend and I recently went shopping and he ended up buying another pair of running shoes. This is something that people don’t always think about, but it actually is very important.  Your shoes can either enhance and help you through your workout or they could be hindering you, causing damage and pain during your workout.  There are several things to remember about your workout shoes: 1) Try to keep a general estimate of the number of miles you put on your shoes 2) Have a dedicated pair of shoes that you only use to workout 3) Be sure to find shoes that are specific to your activity–in other words, have running shoes for running, interval/circuit/cross training shoes if you’re doing multi-activity training, walking shoes for walking, and so on.

1) Be sure to estimate the number of miles you are putting on your shoes.  Shoes need to be replaced typically after about 500 miles, but can range anywhere from 400-600 miles depending on your level of activity, type of activity, and how much “wear and tear” that is caused by your workout, or naturally occurs over time from extensive use.  This is important because when your shoes start to breakdown, the padding which lends support to your feet starts to wear down.  Further, your shoe laces get stretched over time and no longer keep your shoes snug and in place causing your shoe to be loose, causing your foot to lose valuable support.

2) Be sure you have a dedicated pair of workout shoes, or if possible two or three pairs that you can rotate to keep from having to replace shoes as often and to stretch their life a bit longer.  I am definitely guilty of not switching mine out enough–shoes are expensive, so if you don’t either, you aren’t alone!  Additionally, be sure to take shoes off properly—don’t step on the heels to take them off or pull them off without unlacing them.  This causes damage and stretching to your shoes altering their protection and support to your feet.  P.S. Be sure you are wearing the right size, too! This is vital and can prevent sores, chafing, and rough skin on your feet.  If you aren’t sure, just ask to be sized, ask for advice, or even ask if they have a machine or computerized test that can look at each foot to determine where you put the most pressure.  These are key components to not only successfully finding the right pair of shoes, but also to keeping your feet healthy and happy! 😉

3) Lastly, and maybe one of the most important tips to remember is to have shoes that are specific to the activity you are performing.  Activity-specific shoes are vital to help with your overall success, performance, and can help enhance your ability to last longer, go farther, and challenge yourself more without pain, discomfort, or damage to your feet and heels.  After all, your feet are a pretty important part of your body, so be sure to take care of them, appreciate them, and cherish them!

Maybe this gives you an excuse to go shoe shopping?!  Or just an opportunity to reevaluate your workout shoes to ensure you have the right type and size!


Weight is a number…healthy bodies = all shapes & sizes!

Weight is a number…healthy bodies = all shapes & sizes!

I missed posting last week.  Not intentionally, but because I didn’t have any inspiration for a post and didn’t want to post just to post.  I like to find a passionate topic to talk about each week and last week for some reason nothing came to me.  So to my routine readers, I apologize for the missed entry.  Maybe if you’re lucky I will post twice this week! 🙂

I have been thinking about weight, body image, and how much we judge ourselves (and others) by weight.  We even tend to judge people more by their weight than their personality, pretty typical, but we often say, “Don’t judge a book by the cover and don’t judge a book by its movie” so why don’t we follow this same rule when it comes to people?  More than judging others, we even judge ourselves by the number we see on the scale.  We use that number to decide whether we want to lose weight, how much weight we want to lose, and how perfect (or not) our body is because of our “ideal weight” goal.  So how do we get past this idea of judging ourselves by the number on the scale?  I will share a little secret with you.  I got rid of my scale about 13 years ago.  It’s one thing that I changed  and I haven’t looked back since.  I do not own a scale, I do not know how much I weigh other than a guess and I always ask my doctor to refrain from telling me my body weight.  Why?  Because I don’t want to be able to judge myself by the number staring back at me on a scale.  Instead, I can easily tell how my body weight is doing by how my clothes fit, what foods I am putting in my mouth, and how much physical exercise I am getting in comparison to my daily caloric intake.

So I talked about judging ourselves and judging others, but I didn’t really connect the two.  We know that we judge ourselves and others, but now we must realize that we judge without knowing the health choices a person makes and the lifestyle they lead.  My point is to convey the differences in people and to realize that “healthy” for one person isn’t going to be “healthy” for another person.  Think of it like this: “our” healthy is our own unique “setting” similar to how we look, our personality, our characteristics and traits, goals, aspirations, etc.  While we are all unique in that aspect, we are also all unique in what “our healthy” is and means.  For example, my “healthy” as a 26 year old female might be exercising 5 days a week on my own, high metabolism, few genetic health concerns, but another 26 year old female’s “healthy” might be to exercise in a group class 3 days a week because of her lifestyle, steady, but not fast metabolism, and several genetic health concerns.  My point is that each person’s individual “healthy” is different hence different body shapes and sizes.

Try to remember that healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes.  Often we think or believe that if you are thin, slender, or skinny that the person must be healthy and if a person is large, curvy, or plus-sized that they are fat and unhealthy.  This is so stereotypical and false.  A large person can be healthier than a thin person and a thin person can be healthier than a large person.  Healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes, I cannot say and reiterate this enough.  Physical exercise, eating and nutrition habits, family history/genetics all contribute to a person’s overall health and well being.  It’s something that the world must realize to move forward.  Not only will it make you feel better about yourself, it will make the world a more accepting and less judgmental place.

So, next time you see someone thin, large, slender, plus-sized, etc remember that healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes because all bodies are unique and different.  I will also suggest that next time you consider stepping on the scale that you reconsider and instead use your clothes to judge how well you are meeting your health goals.


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