Tag: Hiking

ABCs + Exercises = Get Moving!

ABCs + Exercises = Get Moving!

I thought it would be fun to do something a little different this week that would be creative, a little out of the ordinary, and something that family and kids, couples, and people of all ages can enjoy together!  In honor of the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women campaign and to pay tribute to Heart Health Month it seemed appropriate to put together an “ABCs of Exercises” to get people moving this month and throughout 2015!  So, here are some exercise ideas to get you going!

A:  Ab workout

B: Biking, Basketball, Bicycle Crunches

C: Crunches, Canoeing

D: Dancing

E: Equestrian – Ride horses!

F: Football

G: Game night w/ a twist – do exercises in-between games and snack breaks!

H: Hiking

I: Ice skating

J: Jumping jacks, Jogging

K: Kayaking

L: Lunges

M: Make a fort, make a tunnel, or make something creative outside!

N: Natural surroundings, use your imagination in your neighborhood to play outside.

O: Open Air — because I love fresh air and being outside!  Run, jog, walk, hike, the possibilities are endless!

P: Push-ups, Paddle boat

Q: Quick run

R: Racquetball, Running

S: Squats, Soccer, Skiing, Stretching, Swimming

T: Tennis

U: Ultimate frisbee

V: Volleyball

W: Weights/Weight training, Walking

X: X-treme water park? It’s X…give me a break, there aren’t too many options with X!

Y: Yoga, Yard work

Z: Zoo outing might be an option as long as it involves some walking, of course!

Happy exploring, playing, and moving!  Find your interests and hobbies and use those along with your imagination and creativity to come up with activities that you can enjoy all while moving!


Make cold weather your motivation!

Make cold weather your motivation!

So, all I hear right now are complaints and negativity about the cold weather, snow, winter and yada yada yada.  Personally, I LOVE snow and I LOVE cold weather.  I actually can’t emphasize that enough and mostly because I love sweaters and boots and turtlenecks and scarves.  It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside! 🙂

But for all those cold weather haters and grumpy “grinches” out there, here’s something for you to think about!  Cold weather has actually been proven in several studies to be better for you!  For one, people tend to move faster and walk more briskly when it is cold out, increasing their heart rate more quickly than they would in warm or hot temperatures.  During the summer, people tend to walk more leisurely and therefore not as many calories are burned and your heart rate doesn’t speed up as quickly.  In other words, all those exercises such as walking, running, hiking, etc that you do (outside) after your Christmas feast or before the drinks and appetizers begin on NYE will be most beneficial in the cold, winter temperatures! 😉

Second, studies have shown that people burn more calories during the cold, winter months when the body must use more energy in order to maintain a warm, steady body temperature.  So, next time you consider complaining about the cold, winter months, maybe you should be thanking Mother Nature for the gift she is giving you! 😉  Two great exercise benefits: 1) you walk faster to keep your body heat up to get to your destination and 2) you burn more calories because your body is working equally as hard to help you maintain a balanced body temperature.  Sounds like a win win to me…so get out there and get to moving.  Play in the snow with your kids, take a hike to see the scenery, walk your dog to get fresh air, or even take treats to neighbors and friends by foot to get into the real holiday spirit of giving!

Let me remind everyone that each person’s body is different so what works for me, may not work for you.  Cold weather is something I love and enjoy, but it may not be something that fits you or your workout!  Further, where I see success, you may not see as much success because of the activity and level of intensity within the workout.  Don’t let that discourage you, but rather let those stumbling blocks be the force and motivation that keep you going.

So, grab some gloves, a hat, and cold weather gear, throw on a pullover or winter running clothing and get to exercising.  After all, there are plenty of fun outside activities to do, so don’t let the cold weather stop you from getting your 30 minutes a day!  Happy Winter!


Play outside and be a kid again!

Play outside and be a kid again!

Sometimes going to the gym and doing the same repetitive workout can get boring.  Maybe you’re sick of running on the treadmill or doing your usual cardio workout.  One important thing to remember about exercising is that incorporating a variety of exercises and switching up your workout routine is important for you and your body.  This ensures that you get the most out of each individual workout without allowing your body to become familiar with the routine, and therefore not maximizing your results.  While it is easy to stay on a routine and schedule, be sure to do different exercises so that different muscles and body parts will be used and worked.

So, while the leaves are falling, colors are changing, and we move into another season, take the time to switch up your workout routine by taking a break from the usual and doing some fun fall activities.  Go play outside (with your kids or without).  Carve pumpkins and rake leaves into a pile and jump in!   I know I did it as a kid, and I don’t mind having the excuse as an adult to do it again! 😉  Be a kid again and go outside to run or walk, rake leaves, go hiking, or whatever suits you.  Outdoor recreational activities are a great way to get exercise.  Biking, hiking, kayaking, and other outdoor sports such as tennis, basketball, soccer, etc. are a few great ways to get a workout in and give you a break from being in the gym.  Also, it allows you to get some Vitamin D in the process! 😉

If that doesn’t suit you, you can really channel your inner child by hula hooping or jump roping.  Make it a game and have a contest with your kids!


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