Tag: easy

How would you describe your workout?!

How would you describe your workout?!

It’s sometimes hard to convey how important working out and exercising regularly really are for your mind and body.  Everyone is busy and has hectic schedules as well as lots of commitments, which impact how much “extra” time the day allows to do other things.  One thing that should be found in that “extra” time is exercise.  It is not only very important to exercise, but equally as important to stay committed to it.  It should be something that is automatically built into your lifestyle and schedule rather than a spare hobby if time allows for it.  Exercise is needed to de-stress, reduce your risk of heart disease, decrease your chances for Type II diabetes, and to promote overall health and well-being.  If you have kids, exercise and play with them.  After all, they need to be playing and moving around, too!

Think of exercise a as a part of your personality to encourage yourself to get off your butt and get moving.  Why part of your personality?  The thought is that if you think of exercise as part of your personality you are more likely to think about it.  If someone were to ask you, how would you describe your personality?  You might say fun, exciting, adventurous, etc.  Now, think about what you might say if someone were to ask you, how would you describe your exercise routine?  You don’t want to respond with weak, boring, non-existent, etc.  You might want to say fun, exciting, challenging, exhausting, etc.  The point isn’t that your personality should equal your exercise traits, but that you should have cool, exciting words to describe your workout kind of like you have cool characteristics and traits to describe your personality and life.

Moral of the story?  Don’t let your exercise be described as non-existent, boring, or weak.  While people may not be asking you to describe your workout, your mind can still be asking yourself that on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis and do you really want to let yourself down?  After all, if you accept that your exercise routine or workout is non existent, boring, or easy than the only person you are hurting is yourself.  Make your workout fun, vibrant, challenging, and exciting so that your workout becomes as important to you as your friends, family, and other things in your life are when you are talking about them to others.


A recipe for health: Summer Spaghetti

A recipe for health: Summer Spaghetti

I thought it would be different to share a healthy recipe today.  I am a huge pasta fan so I thought my simple Summer Spaghetti recipe would be a great one to share.  You can vary it however you want and feel good about eating it because it is much lighter than a typical “red sauce spaghetti.”

Summer Spaghetti

-whole wheat pasta of your choice (I have used several different types, but I think classic spaghetti noodles work best)

– 1 TBS pasta water


-Parmesan Garlic shredded cheese (yellow bottle next to plain Parmesan cheese)

-Asiago and Parmesan cheese (I use about 1/4 cup of each)

-half lemon squeezed (or less depending how much acidity you like)

-1-2 TBS pesto

-1 cup chopped broccoli (you can substitute yellow or green zucchini or any veggie you prefer)

-Pepper, red pepper flakes (optional)

Cook the pasta to your desired tenderness. Cook broccoli in microwave or on stove. Combine pasta, broccoli, lemon, EVOO, pasta water, and pepper in saucepan or skillet and stir together over low heat.  I mix in the cheese last and leave it on a few more seconds to allow to combine with all ingredients. Now, enjoy!

That’s an easy and light summer recipe that can be thrown together very quickly!  Remember, exercise is great, but leading a healthy lifestyle is a balance of nutrition and exercise.  You should try to exercise and eat for success (and in moderation, too)!


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