Tag: computers

Workout + Brainstorming…

Workout + Brainstorming…


I have been preparing multiple activities and sessions for the upcoming school year to teach business classes to high school students.  It is an exciting new program that will be launching in August, and while business and health don’t necessarily seem like they go together let me explain what I mean.  I have found that I often do some of my best brainstorming about activities, innovative thinking, creative projects, and life lessons to incorporate into the classroom during my workout.  Two areas that don’t seem to fit together –business and health–yet I am able to pull them together in such a way that I get inspiration from an unlikely place!  That is why some days my workout actually becomes a brainstorming session!

So much of the time things are very structured, such as when we should do things and how they should be done, but often times life, health, business, etc is unpredictable and may change over time.  (Not that structure is a bad thing, but sometimes you have to move with the pace or flow and adapt based on the scenario.  You may gain knowledge and inspiration based on those changes.) In other words, sometimes sitting down each day after school to make lesson plans, working on lesson plans at home, or continuously using the same materials doesn’t always work or fit the situation.  Instead you may have to use a different approach, such as employing your surroundings to get inspiration throughout the day from things, places, and people, that at times, don’t even seem to connect with the classroom.  The same can be said about working out.  You have to look to different people, places, and things for inspiration and motivation to keep you going.  You have to be willing to vary your workouts, adapt to change (i.e. workout at a hotel, workout in between meetings due to business travel, etc), and find ways to gain meaning from your workout (brainstorming, critical thinking, etc).  Pulling experiences from the day and brainstorming might be ways to capture new workout methods or may take your mind off the task at hand.  You might pull your inspiration from customer service, clinical trails, pilot projects, research analysis, computer development and technology, accounting, and so on.  The list is endless.  Some or all of those experiences may be the topic of your brainstorming ideas during your workout or could provide ideas for new ways to workout.

With that, I say happy brainstorming during your workout!  It will provide inspiration, motivation, and ideas that may improve all facets of your life!


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