Tag: advice

What is #ProjectKindnessBook?

What is #ProjectKindnessBook?

PBK3I have almost completely finished my #ProjectKindnessBook which focuses on the bumps in the road that life presents and how to get through them successfully.  In a nutshell, it is a book about the twists and turns of life, learning, and giving back to others.

Along the way, I offer bits of advice to “stick in your pocket” to carry with you through life.  I don’t have everything figured out and am still eager to learn more from other’s experiences.  The one lesson from my pocket that I have come to understand most is that the roadblocks in my life have allowed me to reach inside myself to create a path that has led to where I am today.  It has taught me that it is never too late to accomplish my dreams.  This book being a paramount example of accomplishing a dream.

It has been the most challenging and time consuming project I have ever taken on yet a very fulfilling thing I could do for myself and others.  Stick the stories, quotes, and advice in your pocket and pull them out along the way to use in your own life.  By the end of my book I hope you recognize that the little things are precisely just the little things.  I didn’t learn this overnight, but rather through my experiences both personally and professionally over time.  I wrote this book knowing that I am a “work in progress.”  I am not perfect, but the stories you read are about learning and giving.  It was a learning curve, taught me more about the world, and expanded my growth as a person.  I hope it does the same for you.  It is meant to give you new perspective about others and teach you something about yourself.  If nothing else I hope it reminds you that kindness and giving will give you purpose–purpose that will change your life.

My “Project Kindness” is meant to encourage others to pledge their age on their birthday as the minimum number of random acts of kindness to achieve in a year just as I have chosen to do with mine.  I challenge you to help me make the world a kinder place by pledging your birthday as a way to give back.  Learn more by visiting jennarpjamieson.com!




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